We have been partnered with a church in Danli, Honduras for over a decade through Great Commission Latin America (GCLA). The primary focus of this partnership has been short term mission trips over the Virginia Tech Spring Break each March. Those trips focus on the Gospel through evangelism, cultural exchanges, university visits, hospital visits, kids programs, and clean water projects. Read below for more information!
God has used the local church in Danli, Honduras (part of the GCLA network of churches) to be a part of his greater Kingdom work for nearly two decades. Each year we get the chance to visit this "extended family" of ours, coming alongside their local church to amplify their impact in the surrounding neighborhoods. When we visit, we bring gifts for the church and neighborhood that we believe are a great way to be the hands and feet of Jesus- whether through Spanish Bibles, soccer balls, or water filters. One major way the church ministers in their neighborhood is through their Children's Development Center, or CDI in Spanish. Anyone can sponsor a child to be part of this amazing program!
Each March, during the Virginia Tech Spring Break, we take a team of students, alumni, and friends to visit our sister church in Danli. Recruiting for the trip begins in the Fall prior to the trip. Read below for more about the trip!
This trip could not happen without the support of many.
Sponsor a Team Member by making a financial gift below.
Sponsor a Gift that will bless a local Honduran, and provide an open door for Gospel conversations.
This before and after school program not only meets a real physical need of children who live near the church, but also offers hope of eternal life through the Gospel and spiritual education. More information about sponsoring a child can be found below!
Since March of 2008, we have been building a great relationship with a Great Commission Church in Danli, Honduras. On our trips to Danli, we have done many things: we’ve been able to help rebuild homes, install water filters, give out shoes/food clothing to those in need, help work on the new church building and nutrition center, build roofs, and share about Jesus Christ.
We look forward to going on these trips every year. If you’re interested in joining us on one of our trips down to Honduras or would like some more information, email honduras@nlcf.net.
The trips are typically over Virginia Tech’s Spring Break each year in March, and recruitment is generally in September/October of each year.
Maintaining and expanding our household water filtration program, including interviews, constructing filters, and performing repairs.
We come alongside the local church and simply be with them for the week we are there. That includes worshipping together!
We offer help on whatever projects the church might need help with! Sometimes that involves small construction projects.
Each year we build, and distribute food bags that can feed a household for several days. Learn more about sponsoring a food bag below!
In neighborhoods, parks, households, and anywhere we find ourselves- we look for opportunities to strike up conversation.
Want more information about the annual Honduras Missions trip? Need more details about sponsoring a child or a missionary? Emails us and we can help!
You have the chance to financially partner with our team, making this transformative journey a reality. Your generous contribution helps alleviate the cost for a team member, reducing their financial strain and enabling them to concentrate on how God is guiding them to serve in Honduras!
Our team gathers supplies and sponsored gifts in the US, and then carries them to Honduras in order to bless a local resident. This blessing not only meets a physical need, but opens up doors for meaningful spiritual conversation.
Gift sponsorship opportunities include: household water filters, school supplies bags, food bag, Spanish Bible, water quality test, Jesus Storybook Bible, and a soccer ball with pump.
Use the link below to make an online contribution towards a Honduras Team member or special project. After making your contribution, please email info@nlcf.net or text 540-200-8132 with your name, and which team member or special Honduras project you would like your contribution to go towards.
(Example Text/Email: “John Doe online gift for Taylor Swift’s Honduras Trip”)
Make payable to "NLCF"
Mail to:
1521 South Main St.
Blacksburg, VA 24060
Please add “Honduras Support for ____ (Team Member Name)” in the memo
Please add "Gift Sponsorship- (Gift name & quantity)" in the memo
ALSO- include your name & mailing address if you would like a tax-deductible receipt in January
Each child is served a meal
Tutoring & homework help
Our local partner church in Danli operates a children’s development center, with the Spanish name translating to the acronym “CDI”.
In order to cover the costs of the program (teacher, cook, facilities, supplies, etc.), children are able to be sponsored for $50/month. When our teams visit each March, they spend meaningful timeserving and building relationships with these kids, as well as their families.
As a church, we at NLCF seek to be ambassadors for these children, inviting anyone to sponsor a child and make an incredible difference in their life! If you would like to sponsor a child, follow the steps below.
Use the button above/below to visit GCLA's online giving platform (Pushpay)
- Donation Type: “Set up recurring”
- Frequency “Every month”
- Starting: (whenever you prefer)
- Fund: “CDI Danli, Honduras”
Follow the remaining prompts to complete your $50/mofinancial transaction.
IMPORTANT: After completing this step, please email honduras@nlcf.net or contact NLCF via text (540-200-8132) so that we can inform local leadership of the new sponsorship.